“Changing Times”: Reading held as part of the Directorate-General for Translation’s Austrian library days
As part of the Directorate‑General for Translation’s Austrian library days, the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels has joined forces with the European Commission's translation service to host the reading “Changing Times”, which spans the period from the eve of the First World War to the Second World War. Actor Martin Ploderer and interpreter Jasminka Derveaux will read texts by Stefan Zweig and Karl Kraus. The event also includes a talk entitled “Dichter auf der Flucht” (writers in exile). In the summer of 1936, writers who could no longer call Germany their home came together in Ostend. It was here that Stefan Zweig met his friend Joseph Roth. The latter also started a relationship here with his last true love Irmgard Keun. The reading will be followed by a viewing of Dieter Grohmann’s short film “Das Stundenglas” (“The Hourglass”).
Limited entry. Registration is required to attend the event: hannah.zeisel@bmeia.gv.at
Venue: Directorate‑General for Translation of the European Commission, T2-00-C046, Boulevard Pierre Frieden 1-7, 1543 Luxembourg