Federal Minister Bogner-Strauss: Agreement on joint EU Youth Strategy
Minister at Education, Youth and Culture Council in Brussels
Federal Minister Juliane Bogner‑Strauss was pleased that three dossiers of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union could be successfully completed in Brussels. “With the EU Youth Strategy the member states were able to agree on a common understanding of the youth policy – they agreed on a vision, on goals and on basic principles for the coming nine years”, emphasised the Federal Minister for Women, Families and Youth at the EU Youth Council. Young people are underrepresented in political bodies:
“Therefore an instrument such as the EU Youth Strategy is needed that takes the interests of youth into account. It was especially important to integrate the European Youth Goals into the EU Youth Strategy in order to acknowledge the participation of young people in democratic processes and incorporate their wishes with regard to youth policy.”
European Solidarity Corps
According to Federal Minister Bogner‑Strauss the compromise text on the European Solidarity Corps had received unanimous support.
“Young people take solidarity seriously and committing to help other people is important to them. At the same time they are eager to learn new things and to educate themselves further. The European Solidarity Corps offers young Europeans the possibility to channel their energy and help people in need and, at the same time, gain valuable work experience and improve their personal skills.”
Youth work in the context of migration and flight
The Federal Minister said that the adoption of the Council conclusions on the “Role of youth work in the context of migration and flight” had taken up an important topic of political relevance.
“Youth work is per se located at an interface that will offer young people good transitions and starting points in the adult world. The Council conclusions describe the services of youth work as well as the starting points and requirements, which allow to make good use of these services also in the context of migration and flight”,
Federal Minister Bogner‑Strauss concluded.
Herbert Rupp
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
+43 1 53 115-63 34 04