High level representatives from European research and industry invite for discussion on the future of big data in Vienna
eu2018at - Expert meeting – Focus on data‑driven artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence depends on the availability of large data volumes. Therefore big data forms the basis for further technological developments and the associated economic opportunities. From 12 to 14 November leading representatives from European research, development and the economy come together in Vienna to discuss framework conditions and initiatives for data-driven innovation and artificial intelligence.
The European Big Data Value Forum 2018 (EBDVF2018) takes place in the framework of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and with the active participation of the host country Austria, the European Commission and representatives of the industry. On the first day, introductory statements will be given by Federal Minister Norbert Hofer, Director Gail Kent (European Commission) and Mark Shuttleworth (founder of Ubuntu). The first two days will take place in the Austria Center Vienna, where concrete examples of technical implementation in various areas of application will be discussed, as well as current developments regarding regulation on a European level and framework conditions for future research promotion. On the third day of the event, workshops will be organised in Siemens City, Vienna, on the topics networking and data ecosystems, amongst others.
Austria is the European leader in establishing platforms for a legal and transparent exchange of data. The country will present its successfully implemented “Data Market Austria” (Austria’s first digital ecosystem for data, business and innovation) and other, wider initiatives. The interested public can now register for this expert meeting. Tickets are currently still available.
Link: Programme of the European Big Data Value Forum 2018
More information about this event can be found on the event page.
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT)
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Elisabeth Hechenleitner
+42 1 71162-658111